December Biz Fit: Business Check-In & Check-Up *Extended Time 8:00am-9:30am*
What is your business “APGAR” score? The APGAR is a brief test given to newborns after 1 and 5 minutes of life on earth to check their vital signs and how they are functioning in the world.
What’s your business’s vital signs of health?
Let’s use a Biz Fit informal gathering every few months to Check In & Check Up regarding your business vital signs:
- External (Marketing, outreach, communications etc.),
- Internal (Operations, financials, HR etc.),
- Personal (Self-care as a business owner).
We’ll discuss together in small and large groups how to define what a “healthy” business means to us as business owners and identify what action steps you may want to take individually between Check-Ups.
This will be a supportive and engaging time together to learn, discover and build the strength of our businesses. As a bonus, Marsha Dunn, Graphic Facilitator will visually document the conversations and learnings which you'll receive for your use in between our informal gatherings.
Let’s meet over a cup of morning coffee or tea. (You may want a power breakfast for this session!) This is an informal space for women to connect, network and learn together about keeping their business, and themselves, fit!
Fee: No Cost