How to Make Successful Export Sales by Diversifying Your Markets? A Series (1/3)

Thu, Oct 7 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

This event has been canceled

Topic: Marketing and Sales

How to make successful export sales by diversifying your markets? A three-part series with Maine SBDC Business Advisor and Center Director Peter Harriman.

Part 1 - Why Export? Why should you consider exporting? The importance of export planning.

This part will explore why a small business should consider exporting to help diversify their markets. This session will highlight compelling reasons to export, help with identifying export opportunities and introduce export resources.

Part 2 – Deep dive into finding markets, identifying customers, shipping, tariffs, and the STEP grant program.

This part is going to involve the Maine International Trade Center (MITC) discussing some of the tools they provide to help in exporting. This will include common expenses to expect, roles and responsibilities of essential team members you will need to help you export, and introduce the STEP grant program that helps fund these opportunities.

Part 3 – Export business planning & Export Financing.

This part is going to involve a Local Bank who will help explain the funding aspects of exporting - how to set up payments, what to ask your bank, and what risks might be involved. This section will also tie in all three sessions into how to incorporate exporting into a business plan.

Fee: No Cost